Friday, February 1, 2008

Knitting chronicles 2

I talked to the pony industries sales person, I found the number on the net! “Do you think you could get me the rosewood needles or the 6mm plastic needles or give me the name of an agent who could sell them to me....blah blah” I asked.
No, madam. They are for export only, how can we sell them locally?
Could you please sell me some?
I will pay in dollars if you want
No madam how can we sell for export needles in India?
Please I will buy a dozen. (Loosing it)
No madam, why don’t you try the Bangalore office, if they order then maybe…
Okay give me their number and address.

Tring...tring, Is this Bangalore Pony office?
Yes madam, what can I do for you?
“Do you….. blah blah” I asked.
Well madam the person in charge is on leave.
Huh? Could you tell me if you will get my needles for me?
Difficult madam, cant say! Why don’t you write an email and also to the head office saying what you want?
6 mm needles?
That? That is for export only!

Well, the needle story continues. In commercial street I found a shop that had wool! Including the vardhaman special funfur type you see in the picture. I got my needles 4mm and 4.5 mm.and the cable needles! I decided to work in the limits and

  1. asked my cousin to buy a gift set of needles from the US. I am importing Indian needles from the US!! ( what a large ecological footprint that is!!!)
  2. asked my fellow Phd students to get me a size 6mm and 5mm needles
  3. am asking my brother to make them
  4. written a letter of reprimand to pony company
  5. Bribe an employee of the industry to get a pair out ( STEAL?!?)
  6. More next time, I have decided to go to chikpet!!

    By the way I designed stitch markers using cheap 10rs earring pairs I picked at a fair. I wound the hook around a plastic coated paperclip and bent the sharp edge in and voila! Stitch markers are ready.


Cinnamon said...

Glad to find a Indian knitting blog.I'm so frustrated that this is what I needed.
I love knitting.But;
1.I don't have a tutor.(Except You tube and some tutorials from different sites.)
2.I have a set of Straight Needle.Nothing else is availbe in market.It reads size 8.I don't know if it's according to USA standard or UK.But after reading your post I can recall that needle company was "Pony".
3.I got some really thin Yarn from market(The only shop in my entire town.Where an angry oldwoman sells few colors of yarn,without any lable.)So in short if you are a beginner knitter you will have a hard time using that yarn.Not to mention the color is very limited. But the oldwoman was Kind enough to tell me it was "Vardhman".I still don't know what type of "Vardhman" I'm using.
4.I'm a member.They have such nice free patterns.But they require double pointed needles,Circular Needles,Specific yarns.....

I'm in the verge of crying,wish someone can get me a needle set and some bulky,worsted yarn too.

Chandramouli S said...

I can understand your frustration Meera. I am crocheter and knitter myself and had to wait for months to knit cool stuff due to lack of needles and finally found a company (Apple Needles - Exporter, again) in Delhi who were kind enough to ship me the needles, but I am restricted to using wool, as medium worsted cotton yarn is hard to find!

Mimi, please go ahead and try wool as they are easy to work with for beginners.

ScribeManager said...


I'm in the UK and I'm interested in having some knitting done for my two sons, aged 1 and 3, and possibly also for other friends of ours who have children.

There isn't a big budget for this so we're looking for a low-cost solution.

As a guide to your charges, could you please quote for knitting this pattern:

(Please don't include the cost of the wool in your quote)

Thank you very much.

Patrick Gubbins

nityakalyani said...

Hello Mira - finally found an Indian having a knitting blog. I am from Chennai - and you can get all the needles from Raja Stores. Needle industies - Pony branddoes have their Bangalore office. It is located at 454, 9 th cross, Jayanagar 1 st block,Bengaluru - 560 011. Tele no. 91-80-26563187/26564258. Their mail id is They have a lovely pouch with set of needles which cost about rs 150/-. I had picked one from their Chennai office. Hope you will be able to get your requirements. ALL THE BEST-HAPPY KNITTING

Liz said...

Oh wow! I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time just acquiring needles in India. We Americans take it for granted that we can go to a local store and purchase these items. I hope you keep on knitting! And if there is anything I can help with...let me know.

Black Sheep Wool Store said...

Where in God's name do you get wool in India, right?

You can now get up from that chair and jump for joy because you are about to be hit with a wide variety of yarn that you only dreamt of!
Multicolor wool, 100% wool, Angora wool, Cashmere wool, 100% cotton yarn, super-bulky yarn, it's all here! What's more, shipping is free all over India!

What are you still reading this for? Go and checkout the wonderful variety and call/email me to order your yarn today!

Mathias said...

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one facing these problems. I guess misery loves company.

I've recently taken up knitting and have accelerated to the 'obsessed' state in a short month. I dream about yarn and DPNs, circular needles magically knitting infinity scarves! My fiancee is convinced that I'm going to squander away all our savings on making this dream a reality! I spend all my free time looking at websites in the hope that one day I'll have access to all the supplies.

But in Bangalore, I haven't found any good yarn/supplies. At least on Commercial Street. I've yet to brave the crowds and go to Raja market.

If you've had any luck at Raja Market, do let me know.

It's great to see fellow knitters in India. It seriously is a rare art here.

Vishnu said...


I represent Needle Industries (The company that makes Pony Brand knitting needles etc), we have had quite a few similar complaints from customers in India stating that they: 1. Either cannot find shops stocking Pony products or 2. The size/type of needle they need is for export only and not sold in India. To adress this issue Pony Needles is launching shortly an online retail store where customer will be able to purchase a range of products online and have them delivered. Within this range of products we are currently looking at including a number of needle sizes (both knitting and other products) which are not available in the Indian market. As this is one of the few active knitting blogs I came across I would be obliged if the owner/readers of this blog could let me know if such a online store would be something you would use and also if you cna let me know if there are any products/sizes in particular that you would like us to offer for sale online. Your comments and feedback would be much appreciated. Please feel free to mail me on: or call me on 0423 2442491 (extn 306.

Srividya said...

Are u by chance member of ravelry. We have a group called SAARC in ravelry. We all just ordered different pony products (rosewood, bamboo included.) Check out ravelry!

yarn_lady said...

thanks so much for writing our collective frustrations out and attracting some response! I do hope you join ravelry(no affiliation), just having a great time connecting with like minded people .

A Word In My Head said...

hi meera, i understand how frustrating is this.

i have recently shifted to bangalore and i am unable to find good wool and yarns here, back home in chd it was an easy task of going to shop and buying it..Anyways if you do know where to buy good quality wool from bangalore do tell me :)


LadyTexasLee said...

I apologise for my chuckling, but I assure you that it is a kind hearted, sighing chuckle, in that I am a relatively new knitter who lives in Sydney Australia and I'm knitting on double-pointed needles from pony in India. How very ironic. I found this sight as I plan to move to Mumbai and I wondered if there was a collective of knitters and yarn stores etc in India.
There are many hurdles faced by the novice knitter, and great self confidence ascends when you overcome them. I can't possibly understand the annoyance it must cause by not being able to find needles when they're made on your very own soil as I confront my own knitting grievances and foibles, I laugh at myself.
Indeed I recently taught myself the entrelac technique, which seems so hard to the novice and such a triumph when it is mastered.
My mind is swimming with ideas of bringing yan and needles to India for some excellent knitting. Maybe, maybe.

Much chuckling, Tahlai

LadyTexasLee said...

And by the way, apart from loving your wonderfully named "Black Sheep Wool Store", I just love your expert salesmanship. Wonderful, so Indian in humour and exhuberance.

Venkat said...

Hello knitters,

I represent Needle Industries. The company that manufactures Pony Needles. Pony will be starting an online store shortly .You can order products online and get it delivered at your door step. All the products what pony offers are updated in Facebook and twitter. You can look at the pony page in FB and twitter: Pony Craft Store In the mean time, you can also email your enquiries to

Venkat said...

Dear All,

We wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some exciting news ! We are delighted to announce you that the longwait is over., Yes the PONYCRAFTSTORE is all set to be launched on 10/05/2012.

As you all have been part of our store as either a friend, or a customer. We would love the opportunity to drop by and give you an opportunity to experience our store ! (We would appreciate an opinion on the products!) At this time we also ask you to refer about us to the people in your life who may be interested in Pony brand of products.

Looking forward for your support !


Nisarg creations said...

thank you thank you thank you
I was having such a time getting good crochet needles. but with your post and the responses I've finally got my needles. thank you again

Venkat said...

@Namrata Yadav - Hope your package was delivered on time. Do refer Pony Craft Store to your friends and fellow knitters who will be interested in Pony range of products.
Please feel free to contact us incase of any other clarification.
Phone: 0423-2517942/43/44 (Ext:382)

Venkat said...

Dear All,

We wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some exciting news.

Pony Craft Store will be importing fine yarns for the first time in India. We will keep you informed through Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry, Pintrest , website as well as in this

Unknown said...

Dear All,
I would really recommend you to use knitters Pride needles & yarn .They people make amazing stuff.I just love their products . they have both double pointed & interchangeable needles along with cable & accessories that too in different & magnificent colours.

Lakshmi said...


I am from Chennai and I just know the basics in Knitting. Is there any tutorials to teach Knitting. I have not been finding the right contacts.

crochetandotherthings said...
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