Sunday, January 9, 2011

Recycled handmade project 1 and a lovely example of traditional work

Place mat with woven newspaper sheets (lengthwise) and a pasted magazine cover  photos  for added kitsch. I folded the edges around the opposite side and pasted them with  home-made maida flour glue. ( remember news print is poisonous so don't use around children who may eat spilled food off it)

Alternately use it as a temporary knee mat for gardening.


 Here is lovely traditional sheesha work from Gujrat on a salwar, a great new year gift! thanks to my dear friend Naveen !
antique sheesha work ( hand embroidery)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

For 2011

This New Year begins with a recycle resolution. Thanks to FB friends for all the ideas. I am going to make five handmade things/ recycled projects to give away over this year.
1. recycled towelettes with cross stitch patches
 2. Newspaper woven place mats
3. hand painted gift bags for jewelery gifts
4. pen stands out of cardboard boxes
5.innovative money plant bottles (custom decorated old glass bottles)

For myself
 I will deal with two UFOs ( unfinished objects)
create a foot mat out of an old bath towel,
 finish an artwork in quilt
try covering a note book with fabric
try my hand at wood working during vacation