Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Knits and more UFOs

The pony craft onlinestore is living up to its promise of delivering yarn and all knitting supplies. They are sourcing some nice yarns and we hope to see more in the future. I have a whole set of  students who knit and so have been inspired to make something. I have never tried lace, so I shall try some light ruana style wraps in lace or arrow lace. It easily replaces a duppata and so is ideal for theIndian salwar as well as for the tee- jeans combo.
 there is this:http://www.naturallycaron.com/projects/felicita/felicita_1.html

this :

Though the Venus yarn I plan to buy looks better with 5.5 on this

How did I match pattern to Yarn:
I check the needle size and recommendations on the yarn page. Then I check for similar needle size and texture of yarn. If you notice the the earlier patterns need even looking yarn, the lace pattern will not look good if it is higgledy piggdley.

 so let me also try a knit tension patch to be sure. Tension patches are often not in pattern in yarn listings. The patterns will however have a  size range and advice. But sometimes since we may not work with the yarn recommended ( as in India) the next best is to then knit something like a short scarf in the basic pattern first to check the yarn out before investing in a huge yarn stock for a large project like a sweater or shawl. This also helps to train ourselves in the pattern.
 Knit away...