Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The knitter chronicles

The practice projects I knitted were two small purses for two little girls. Nothing fancy but i tried all the basic stitches and so it is like a knitting sampler. I remembered how to make knitted cords. One of my early kiddy knitting project was to make cords of five stitches and create knitted yard for a number 0 needle ( UK )
Here is my technique.

Cast on 5 stitches in a double ended needle ( needle size of your original work - socks, purse etc. I used No 10 UK)
Using another knit to the end of the row .
without purling back turn the needle and re knit keeping the yarn behind work. It is like circular knitting only there are only 5 sts. the yarn has to be drawn taut and you can start to see a cord after about 5 rows.
Caution, keep yarn without twisting it around your work and don't leave loose when you shift to the beginning again

Try it!

1 comment:

LadyTexasLee said...

Thank you for the quick tutorial Meera. I've always wondered how to knit an I-cord but had yet to give it a try until today. It shall come in handy in future projects I'm sure.